Brian Ross

Commissioner Ross

Phone:  (734) 417-0435

Commissioner Brian Ross has lived in Marine City since 2012.  Brian is married to Dr. Suzanne Ross who was born and raised in China, MI and went through Marine City middle and high school. They have 2 children who are also going to Marine City public schools.

Brian was born in Nashville, TN, raised in Columbia, MD and went to college in Philadelphia, PA, graduating with a BS in mechanical engineering from Drexel University in 1999. Commissioner Ross has worked throughout the auto industry since 1999 as an engine and power-train engineer, eventually landing at Ford Motor Company where he's worked since 2007.

Being raised in Columbia, MD and attending college in the heart of Philadelphia gives Brian a unique perspective on diversity, history and demographics. Columbia, MD has been named both one of the best places to live nationwide and one of the most harmoniously diverse in the nation. Philadelphia, with it's rich history, gave Brian an appreciation for historic structures which add to Marine City's historic charm.

Working in the auto industry has given Brian the skills needed to think creatively, keep on task and stay within a budget.

Brian had served on Marine City's City Planning Commission for the past 3 years, further adding to his local government experience.

Commissioner Ross enjoys sailing, waterskiing, kayaking, playing guitar, banjo, mandolin & fiddle, and occasionally acting at our local theaters. He loves Marine City, it's heritage, history, beautiful waterfronts, museums, shops and restaurants and is one of its most ardent and unapologetic supporters.

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